KH-22-5 |
2022/03/06 2022/03/17 |
Biological oceanographic research cruise for testing observation tools |
SAITO, Hiroaki AORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-08-2 Leg2 |
2008/08/23 2008/09/15 |
Linkages in biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems between surface ocean and lower atmosphere |
OGAWA, Hiroshi ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-05-4 |
2005/11/17 2005/12/28 |
Study of ocean circulation and water masses in the subtropical Northwest pacific |
KAWABE, Masaki ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-16-6 |
2016/11/11 2016/11/28 |
A seismic reflection survey at the northern Kyushu-Palau ridge (site survey for IODP proposal) and investigation for relationship between the Kuroshio meander history and obsidian archeology |
IKEHARA, Minoru Research and Education Faculty Natural Science Cluster, Kochi University |
KH-19-6 Leg4 |
2019/12/19 2020/01/16 |
Integrated investigation for marine earth sciences in the Weddell Sea and the South Pacific: Fulfillment of R/V Hakuho-maru 30th anniversary expedition |
IKEHARA, Minoru Center for Advanced Marine Core Reserch, Kochi University |
KH-23-10 |
2023/12/13 2023/12/09 |
Tectonic development of the Huatung Basin: Understanding the origin of the Philippine Sea Plate |
TANI, Kenichiro National Museum of Nature and Science |
KR20-13S |
2020/12/01 2020/12/11 |
Geophysical exploration for imaging pore-water distribution and hydraulic permeability around active faults in the Nankai Trough |
GOTO, Tadanori University of Hyogo |
KH-04-4 Leg1,2 |
2004/09/07 2004/10/31 |
Study on deep-water circulation and water masses in the western North Pacific |
KAWABE, Masaki ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-06-1 |
2006/01/11 2006/03/16 |
Study of water mass formation/variability, biological production, atmosphere-ocean interaction and tectonics in the Kuroshio Extension and Recirculation area |
YASUDA, Ichiro ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-11-7 |
2011/07/16 2011/08/04 |
Marine biogeochemical studies and behavior of trace elements and isotopes in the Western North Pacific (ASIAN GEOTRACES-II), (modified for the 11 March disaster) |
ZHANG, Jing Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Toyama University |
KH-22-7 |
2022/06/30 2022/09/13 |
Comprehensive biogeochemical studies on distributions and cycles of trace elements and their isotopes in the western North Pacific and the equatorial Pacific (GEOTRACES) |
OBATA, Hajime AORI, The University of Tokyo |
KS-18-5 |
2018/05/07 2018/05/17 |
Meso-submeso-scale structures in the Kuroshio Extension and distribution characteristics of fish species assemblage |
ITO, Shin-ichi AORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-22-3 |
2022/02/08 2022/02/17 |
Training cruise for geological and geophysical observations |
OKINO, Kyoko AORI, The University of Tokyo |
KS-21-15 |
2021/07/25 2021/07/31 |
Test of observational instruments for joint/usage research cruises |
ITOH, Sachihiko AORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-01-1 Leg2 |
2001/07/12 2001/07/27 |
ウナギの産卵生態と生物多様性に関する研究 (新プロDOBIS航海) |
TSUKAMOTO, Katsumi ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-09-5 Leg2,3 |
2009/11/27 2010/01/09 |
Biogeochemical studies on meridional distribution and behavior of trace elements and isotopes in the Indian Ocean (GEOTRACES Program) |
GAMO, Toshitaka ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-95-2 |
1995/07/07 1995/09/27 |
太平洋熱帯・亜熱帯海域における生物群集及びウナギの回遊生態に関する研究 |
OHWADA, Kouichi ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-00-1 |
2000/01/14 2000/03/10 |
西部太平洋における海洋生物群集の生態ならびに多様性に関する研究 |
OHWADA, Kouichi ORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-20-9 |
2020/09/10 2020/10/05 |
Study of the hotspots of nutrient supply in the Kuroshio region: For solving the Kuroshio Paradox |
SAITO, Hiroaki AORI, The University of Tokyo |
KH-00-5 |
2000/11/21 2001/02/08 |
インド洋およびその近海海域における海底拡大活動と古環境に関する地球科学的研究 |
TOKUYAMA, Hidekazu ORI, The University of Tokyo |