Otsuchi Center

Otsuchi-Bay Observation Database

The Otsuchi Coastal Research Center of Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, owns a small research vessel as a research facility, which is available for visiting marine scientists via the Cooperative Research Promotion Program. In this database, data mainly from CTD observations in Otsuchi Bay obtained as a part of the cooperative research is open.


For inquiries about the database, please let us know using Google form.

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  • There are no restrictions on the use, redistribution, or reuse of the data and metadata provided by this site. In the case of publication, please mention that you downloaded them from this site and cite the relevant report and publication. Documents are protected by ordinary copyright unless otherwise noted.
  • Data, metadata, and documents on this site are subject to change or discontinuation of publication without notice.
  • The AORI, which operates this site, will not be liable for any damages caused by the use of the data.

Update History

  • 2024/05 Published