- 航海番号 Number
- KH-17-3
- 船舶名 Vessel
- 白鳳丸 Hakuho-Maru
- 出港 Departure
- 2017/06/23 東京 Tokyo
- 入港 Arrival
- 2017/08/07 バンクーバー Vancouver
- 海域 Area
- 北太平洋亜寒帯およびアラスカ湾
subarctic North Pacific and Gulf of Alaska
航海情報 Cruise information
- 航海題目 Title
- 北太平洋亜寒帯における微量元素・同位体分布の生物地球化学的横断観測(国際GEOTRACES計画)
Comprehensive biogeochemical studies on distributions and cycles of trace elements and their isotopes in the subarctic North Pacific Ocean - 研究代表者 Principal Investigator
- 小畑 元 (東京大学・大気海洋研究所)
OBATA, Hajime (AORI, The University of Tokyo) - 調査概要 Research Summary
1. 北太平洋亜寒帯循環域とアラスカ湾における微量元素・溶存気体およびその同位体に関する研究2. 北太平洋亜寒帯における人工および天然放射性核種の分布とその循環過程の解明3. 北太平洋亜寒帯およびアラスカ湾における表層海底堆積物の採取とその化学分析4. アラスカ山岳氷河融氷水に対するアラスカ湾の海洋環境応答についての研究5. 北太平洋亜寒帯における大気--海洋間の物質移動過程の解明6. アルゴフロートを用いた北太平洋のモニタリング
- 取得データ Available Data
- 1. CTDO2・採水データ 2. 溶存酸素 3. 栄養塩類 4. クロロフィル 5. プランクトン採集 6. 堆積物サンプル
- 報告書・出版物 Reports and Publication
- Fujiwara, Y., M. Tsujisaka, S. Takano, Y. Sohrin, 2020: Determination of the tungsten isotope composition in seawater: The first vertical profile from the western North Pacific Ocean. Chem. Geol.
- Nishioka, J., H. Obata, H. Ogawa, K. Ono, Y. Yamashita, K.-J. Lee, S. Takeda, and I. Yasuda, 2020: Subpolar marginal seas fuel the North Pacific through the intermediate water at the termination of the global ocean circulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
- Kondo, Y., R. Bamba, H. Obata, J. Nishioka, and S. Takeda, 2021: Distinct profiles of size-fractionated iron-binding ligands between the eastern and western subarctic Pacific. Sci. Rep.
- Nishioka, J., H. Obata, T. Hirawake, Y. Kondo, Y. Yamashita, M. Misumi, and I. Yasuda, 2021: A review: iron and nutrient supply in the subarctic Pacific and its impact on phytoplankton production. J. Oceanogr.
- Wong, K.H., H. Obata, T. Kim, Y. Kondo, and J. Nishioka, 2021: New insights into the biogeochemical cycling of copper in the subarctic Pacific: Distributions, size fractionation, and organic complexation. Limnol. Oceanogr.
- Yamashita, Y., T. Tosaka, R. Bamba, R. Kamezaki, S. Goto, J. Nishioka, I. Yasuda, T. Hirawake, J. Oida, H. Obata, and H. Ogawa, 2021: Widespread distribution of allochthonous fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the intermediate water of the North Pacific. Prog. Oceanogr.
- Mashio, S.A., A. Ichimura, H. Yamagishi, K.H. Wong, H. Obata, and H. Hasegawa, 2022: Determination of the sub-picomolar concentration of dissolved palladium in open ocean seawater. Mar. Chem.
- Wong, K.H., H. Obata, J. Nishioka, Y. Yamashita, Y. Kondo, T. Kim, A. Mashio, and H. Hasegawa, 2022: Subarctic Pacific Intermediate Water: An Oceanic Highway for the Transport of Trace Metals in the North Pacific. Limnol. Oceanogr. Bull.
- Wong, K.H., J. Nishioka, T. Kim, and H. Obata, 2022: Long-range lateral transport of dissolved manganese and iron in the subarctic Pacific. JGR: Oceans
データ情報 Data Information
Contributor: AORI Open Science Team
- CTD Profiles (not calibrated)
- quality check KH-17-3_CTD_memo.txt (1kBytes)
- 1-dbar profile data KH-17-3_CTD_cnv(down).zip (6,555kBytes) (in SeaBird CNV format)